Vancouver VA Fisher House & Transplant Lodge

Per new Fisher House Manager, James Dorce, and Asst  Manager, Dawn Schultz:

Vancouver VA Fisher House is currently at full capacity (16 rooms, some with several guests). There is are no restrictions regarding donating/providing food/meals. For example, Dawn said one group bought fried chicken at Safeway and prepared a salad to go with it. She said there is always a need for funds for transportation (i.e., for Uber/taxi) for families who visit their veteran at the Portland VA hospital on weekends (or after hours) when the shuttle is not running. They also can use transportation funds when a veteran and spouse fly into PDX and need transportation to the Fisher House. James indicated he would be happy to speak to our chapter at one of our meetings.

Note. Your  CRMF board in Dec, 2024 approved $1,000.00 in gift cards for the Fisher House to be used to support guests needs and will be delivered before Christmas (no photos were taken)


 Per Claire Shepek Bldg 18 Vancouver VA Transplant lodge manager (and Tiffany who is the new Program Support Asst replacing Michelle)

They are currently at full capacity with 40-50 people (includes veteran plus caregiver). They have no restrictions, all 30 rooms are usable as are all three kitchens. Clair said the Thanksgiving day meal is covered (a restaurant is bringing in food). She said they can always use food or food gift cards with WalMart being the closest.

Note. Your CRMF board in Dec 2024 approved $1,000.00 in gift cards for the Transplant Lodge to be used to support guests needs and will be delivered before Christmas (no photos were taken)


Oregon_ VA Portland Health Care System – Donate to Fisher House

Nov 2019: Dave Casteel receives Volunteer Appreciation certificate on behalf of MOAA Chapter and Foundation
Nov 2019: MOAA CRMF President, Dave Casteel, presents $1,000 in VISA cards to Vancouver Fisher House Manager, Kerry Konikow
At the 2018 second anniversary of the Vancouver Fisher House grand opening, Past President, Dave Casteel, and Surviving Spouse Liaison, Terry Whisenant, display one of two benches the chapter donated for guests to use while waiting for shuttle transportation to the VA medical center. The chapter also donated a covered swing (not pictured) located in a serene location in back. #moaaserves
Dave Casteel presents Barbara DeCoito-Weaver, Vancouver Fisher House manager, with a $300.00 VISA gift card on behalf of the MOAA Columbia River Chapter and Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF). These gift cards enable Fisher House staff to purchase emergency items (like food and after-hours transport to/from the VA hospital) needed to support guests. The Chapter and CRMF previously donated $1,000.00 in gift cards earlier this year. Since the Vancouver Fisher House opened in March 2016, the MOAA Columbia River Chapter and Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF) has donated over $5,100.00 to the local Fisher House.
Our chapter purchased and delivered patio umbrellas, bases and grill covers in time for Memorial Day 2017.

To view the Fisher House “Wish List” click on one of the links below for a printable MS Word or PDF format list.



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