Located in Clark County and greater Southwest Washington
Event Photos
WDVA Director David Puente (L) discusses issues with
WA State MOAA Council President, Terry Sparks (R)
at Jan 2025 VLC Reception
WDVA Director David Puente (L) discusses issues with WA State MOAA Council President, Terry Sparks (R) at Jan 2025 VLC Reception
MOAA Co-chairs annual POW-MIA Remembrance Event
September 2024 POW-MIA Event Community Military Appreciation Committee co-chairs (and MOAA chapter members) Milke Burton (L) and Larry Smith (R) looking at dove release at end of ceremony after recognizing members of two honored families (center).
CRMF presents check to Clark County Veterans Assistance Center
for support of homeless veterans
Clark County Veterans Assistance Center (CCVAC) check presentation. (L-R) Dave Casteel, CRMF President, Lori Pugh, CCVAC President, Judy Rusell, CCVAC Director, and Frank Hill, CRMF treasurer present a check to support needs of center serving homeless veterans with meals and supplies.
Chapter Legislative Team meets with Sarah Kohout,
District Director for Congresswoman Perez (WA-03), during fall recess
(L-R) Dave Casteel, Sarah Kohout, District Director for Congresswoman Perez (WA-03), and Federal Legislative Chair, Bob McFarlin pose after discussing MOAA issues
Chapter legislative team meets with
Senator Murray’s SW WA Director during fall recess
Federal Legislative Chair, Bob McFarlin, poses with Caitlin Harrington, Senator Murray’s SW WA Director, during fall recess after discussing MOAA issues. Photo by Dave Casteel
Congresswoman Maria Gluesenkamp Perez chats with chapter members at
Ft Vancouver Barracks 2024 Memorial Day event
CRC Chapter members pose with Rep Maria Perez, (WA 03) who stopped by at MOAA booth at 2024 Memorial Day event at Ft Vancouver Barracks
The CRMF makes a donation to the Vancouver Fisher House on occasion of their 8th Anniversay
(L-R) CRMF Treasurer, Frank Hill, Vancouver Fisher House Manager, Jame Dorce, CRMF President, Dave & Marilyn Casteel at 8th Anniversary Event. The CRMF presented James with a donation.
Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF) Endows WSU-V Scholarship
Dave Casteel (L), CRMF President, and Frank Hill (R), CRMF Treasurer, present final check to WSU_V Development Director, Grant Yenney, thereby creating an a MOAA chapter Endowment
VLC reception with Gov Inslee January 2024
WA Governor Jay Inslee (R) addresses Veterans Legislative Coalition (VLC) at annual VLC sponsored meet-and-greet reception. VLC chair (and MOAA member) Jerry Fugich (L) listens after introducing the Governor.12-19-23: Lori Pugh, President of the Clark County Veterans Assistance Center, receives a $1,000 check from Dave Casteel, President of the Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF), on behalf on the Columbia River Chapter. The CCVAC helps homeless veterans get sober, get off the street, get into permanent housing, and get jobs.12-19-23: Kristina Martin, Director of Stewardship at the Clark College Foundation, receives a $500 check from Dave Casteel, President of the Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF), on behalf on the Columbia River Chapter. The donation will be doubled by a generous donor and applied to the Military Officers Association of America Colombia River Chapter Scholarship endowment at Clark College. At the end of the most recent FY, the endowment stood at over $93,000. Our short range goal is to raise it to $100,000.12-19-23: Tiffany Alonzo. Administrative Support Assistant, at the Vancouver VA Transplant Lodge receives a $500 in Walmart & Fred Meyer gift cards from Dave Casteel, President of the Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF), on behalf on the Columbia River Chapter. The gift cards is used to support needs of veterans and their caregiver receiving, or waiting for, kidney or liver transplants or receiving oncology treatments.
L-R: Lt Gen Kelly, USAF, Ret, MOAA President and CEO, presents Rod Williams, Columbia River Chapter President with five star LOE award in Portland, OR at a December 2023 meeting of the Portland chapterLori Pugh, President of the Clark County Veterans Assistance Center (CCVAC) tells chapter members at the November 2023 meeting what CCVAC does to help homeless veterans get sober, get into housing and get a job. The CCVAC center also has offices for two Vietnam Veterans of America VA disability claims officers with an 88% success rate.L-R: Columbia River Chapter President, Rod Willaims, and Dave Casteel WA COC President and member of the Columbia River chapter offer light refreshments at the Sep 2023 annual POW-MIA ceremony presented by the Vancouver Community Military Appreciation Committee (CMAC)Chapter Member, Roger Rosenberry, was one of several MOAA chapter members who helped the Clark Veterans Assistance Center (CCVAC) assist veterans at the September 2023 Stand Down. The chapter was awarded a MOAA $1,500.00 Community Grant for food at the event.Members of the Columbia River Chapter offer 15 gallons of donated Starbucks coffee to workers setting up for the Vancouver Memorial Day event as well as to families attending the event. Chapter members also had MOAA literature and applications available to interested prospects. They also use the event as an opportunity to educate the general population what MOAA is and who we advocate for.MOAA members at Sep 2023 Scholarship Social fundraising BBQ at home of chapter president, Rod WilliamsMOAA members at Sep 2023 Scholarship Social fundraising BBQ at home of chapter president, Rod WilliamsL-R: Dave Casteel, WA COC President and Columbia River Chapter member, Dave’s wife Marilyn, and Lt Gen Kelly, USAF, Ret at LOE Awards dinner in Kansas City in October 2022. Lt Gen Kelly was introduced at the event as eh incoming MOAA CEO and PresidentPresident Rod Williams presenting annual meeting slidesAttendees at Annual meetingAttendees at Annual meeting-2Terry Babin presenting Audit Report at Annual MeetingMajGen Buck Marr, USAF, Ret met with newly elected US 3rd District Rep Maria Gluesenkamp Perez on 1-23-23. They discussed issues affecting veterans their families. Among the issues discussed were describing who MOAA is and what we do; The Richard Star Act (which she indicated she would cosponsor); food insecurity among homeless veterans in our area; and TFL issues affecting our members.(R-L) CRMF President, Dave, presents $750 check to CCVAC Executive Director, Judy Russel and Lori Pugh, CCAVAC PresidentCRMF presents another set of 20 WinCo family friendly gift cards to Michelle Swanson, Program support Asst at the VA Transplant lodge for use by veterans and their caregiversRod accepting LOE Five Star award from MOAA President Atkins and Board Chair Sharp in Kansas cityRod & Dave waiting in line in Kansas City to accept LOE awardsDave & Marilyn meet incoming MOAA President, LtGen, USAF, Ret, BT Kelly in Kansas City at LOE AwardsColumbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF) president, Dave Casteel, delivers a $500 check to the Clark County Veterans Assistance Center (CCVAC) in Vancouver on behalf of the Foundation and the Columbia River Chapter MOAA to the Executive Director and President. The center manages and disburses county funds for veterans, however, given the stringent requirements for these disbursements, many veterans, especially the homeless, do not qualify for this fund. For these veterans, community donations are relied upon. Last month CCVAC gave out 215 sack breakfast/lunches. They have also had 1,100 inquiries for assistance plus 500 for county fund assistance. The Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF) is an IRC 501(c)3 public nonprofit charity whose mission it is to support local area veterans in need, their families as well as provide scholarships to local colleges for veterans. Our Federal tax ID# is 47-4776049. Mail CRMF donations to P.O. Box 1872 Vancouver, WA 98668-1872. Donations of QCDs and stock transfers are also accepted. #moaaservesColumbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF) president, Dave Casteel, delivers a $500 VISA gift card to the Intake Coordinator at the VA Transplant Lodge in Vancouver on behalf of the Foundation and the Columbia River Chapter MOAA. The lodge houses liver and kidney transplant patients and their caregivers. They currently have 21 guests out of 30 and with COVID limitations restricting occupancy to 50% and limiting common area kitchen use, the money is needed to buy food for transplant patients and their care givers—some residing there for over 6 months while waiting for a transplant. The Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF) is an IRC 501(c)3 public nonprofit charity whose mission it is to support local area veterans in need, their families as well as provide scholarships to local colleges for veterans. Our Federal tax ID# is 47-4776049. Mail CRMF donations to P.O. Box 1872 Vancouver, WA 98668-1872. Donations of QCDs and stock transfers are also accepted. #moaaservesMOAA CRMF Foundation President, Dave Casteel, presents an Amazon gift card in the amount of $1,015 to Fisher House Assistant Manager, Dawn Schultz on July 12, 2021 on behalf of the MOAA Columbia River chapter for the purchase of guest room air purifiers. The purifiers will help filter pollutants in the air due to expected wild fire season.
Screen shot of Chapter Hosted MOAA’s Shane Ostrom’s “Financial Frauds and Scams” full length presentation at November 19, 2020 monthly chapter meeting:
ZOOM collage of members who participated in one of four chapter meetings held via ZOOM n 2020
Columbia River MOAA Foundation supporting local veterans organizations
Columbia River MOAA Foundation president, Dave Casteel, presents Dawn Schultz, A-Warriors-Way.org board member a check for $500.00 for use at “My Brothers House.” This Vancouver, WA, nonprofit offers housing for up to five homeless male veterans while they look for work and again become productive members of society. They are hoping to open a similar home for homeless female veterans.Columbia River MOAA Foundation president, Dave Casteel, presents Sharon Tyre, Clark County Veterans Assistance Center Chair, another check for $500.00 for use at the center. The center had to cancel their major fund raiser this spring due to COVID19 and has had to scale back their support to veterans in need.
Chapter and CRMF (Foundation) Annual Business Meeting Photos
January 2020 (in chronological order)
MOAA Director, Mary Mayer, presenting MOAA Leadership Award to Evelyn Brady at the Chapter’s Annual Business MeetingMOAA Director, Mary Mayer, presenting MOAA Leadership Award to Dave Casteel at the Chapter’s Annual Business MeetingFormer Chair of MOAA Government Relations, Board of Directors, Maj Gen Buck Marr USAF, Ret, delivering Federal Legislative Report at Chapter Annual Business MeetingNew Chapter President, Rod Williams, sworn in by National MOAA Director, Mary Mayer, at Chapter annual Business MeetingIncoming Chapter President, Rod Williams, presents flowers and gifts to outgoing President Evelyn Brady at the Chapter’s Annual Business MeetingNew chapter President, Rod Williams, swears in CRMF (Foundation) Officers at the Annual Business MeetingCRMF (Foundation) President, Dave Cateel, talks about CRMF 2019 Highlights and 2020 Vision at the Annual Business Meeting
Fisher House Vancouver
MOAA CRMF President, Dave Casteel, presents $1,000 in VISA cards to Vancouver Fisher House Manager, Kerry Konikow
Chapter Business Meetings
LTC Greg Mahoney, LTC, USA , Ret talked about the inspiration and will to survive after a severe injury in Iraq.Evelyn-presenting-memento-to-Greg-Mahoney-3-21-19 after a compelling story of will to survive and achieveAgenTech President, Marcel Piet , Ops Supervisor Jay Lorentz with CRC President, Evelyn Brady after February 2019 lunch presentation to chapter members. Their talk about UAS was extremely well received with a large turnout. Jay is a current reservist and talked about what a day in Afghanistan is like embedded with troops directing a UAV.Chapter President Evelyn Brady delivers the 2019 annual meeting State of the Chapter Address2019 Annual meeting attendees L-R foreground: Sherry Marr (husband Buck presented a national Legislative Affairs update), Marilyn Casteel (husband David (WSCOC President) presented chapter Foundation update as well as State Legislative update as the state MOAA Veterans Legislate Coalition representative), Terry Whisenant, chapter Surviving Spouse liaison. Rear (L-R) Larry Smith (chair Community Military Appreciation Committee and past mayor protem), Bob McNeal, Virginia Babin, Jon (VP of chapter foundation) and Nancy Frederick. Standing is Terry Babin, (Personal Affairs chair and a past chapter president), seated, Ron (past chapter treasurer) and Peggy Pastor, and Ivadell and Paul Crosby (only hands showing–Paul is the chapter Scholarship Chair)–Paul gave a scholarship update as well.Columbia River MOAA Foundation President, Dave Casteel, presents $1,000 VISA gift card to Dawn Schultz, Vancouver Fisher House Assistant Manager. Gifts cards are used for emergencies, such as to pay for emergency taxi fare when a veteran’s family member needs to go to or return from the Portland VA hospital after the shuttle stops running.Council President, Dave Casteel, presents 2017 Five Star Communications Awards to Rich Wersinger for Print Newsletter AND Chapter Website at annual Columbia River Chapter scholarship barbecue September 2018. Rich was the ONLY Five-star award winner in Washington State. Congratulations Rich, and thanks for your great work. Chapter President Evelyn Brady (R) nominated Rich.Council President, Dave Casteel, presents 2017 Five Star Communications Award streamer medals to Columbia River Chapter President, Evelyn Brady, at their annual scholarship fund-raising barbecue.Columbia River Chapter members at the annual scholarship barbecue. Over $1,000 was raised at the event towards veterans scholarships at Clark and WSU-Vancouver colleges.
Columbia River MOAA Foundation officers present $500 check to Judy Russel, Executive Director of the Clark County Veterans Assistance Center, on behalf of the Columbia River Chapter. L-R: Terry Whisenant, Surviving Spouse Liaison, Evelyn Brady, Chapter President,, Judy Russel CCVAC Executive Director, Frank Hill, Foundation Treasurer, (July 2018)Columbia River Chapter MOAA booth at Costco Heroes Night. Each June, Costco in East Vancouver, WA opens its doors to the public offering organizations an opportunity to have a booth to educate the public about their organization. The event is open to the public and includes firefighters, police and sheriff departments as veterans organizations. The event is attended by thousands and usually results in our chapter recruiting two or three new members. (L-R) Dave Casteel, Jim Brady, and Frank Hill.Chapter members enjoy conversation at the Rusty Grape Vineyard.Chapter members at the Rusty Grape Vineyard.(L-R) Susan and Mike Ellis, Dave Casteel, Jim and Evelyn Brady at MOAA booth at Vancouver Memorial Day 2018. The chapter offered 15 gallons of coffee donated by area Starbucks. Not pictured is past President, Rod Williams.Dave Casteel and Terry Whisenant try out one of the benches the chapter donated to Fisher House at the second anniversary Open House. Guests use the benches while they wait for transposition to the VA Hospital. The chapter also donated a covered swing for guests to relax on outside.Judy Russel, Executive Director at Clark County Veterans Assistance Center (CCVAC), and Dan Kern (chapter member volunteer) talk about how the center helps veterans.President Evelyn Brady made this beautiful quilt for Air Force veteran chapter member who is undergoing rigorous treatment for an inoperable tumorNational MOAA Senior Director for Councils and Chapters, COL Terri Coles, USA, Ret, met with chapter leadership prior to the lunch discussing issues pertinent to effective chapter leadership. #moaaserves(L-R) Chapter President, Evelyn Brady, Senior MOAA Director, Terri Coles, and Jim Brady.National MOAA Senior Director for Councils and Chapters, COL Terri Coles, USA, Ret, met with chapter leadership prior to the lunch discussing issues pertinent to effective chapter leadership. #moaaservesFBI Vancouver Resident Agency Chief, Michael Rollins,accepting thank you from President Evelyn BradyEvelyn Brady chairing annual meeting 20 January 2018Maj Gen Buck Marr presents 2017 Legislative Affairs review to Chapter at Annual meeting and installs new chapter officersL-R. Chapter officers Treasurer Susan Ellis, President Evelyn Brady, 2nd VP Programs Dan Sockle, and Secretary Chris Rubadue, sworn in at 20 January 2018 annual meeting. Installation officer, Maj Gen Buck Marr administers oath of officeChapter Chaplain, COL Rev. Max Metcalf, delivers invocation, blessing of newly installed officers, and benediction.Terry Babin presents Annual chapter and foundation audit reports and membership services reportMike & Susan Ellis at Annual MeetingL-R. CRMF Treasurer Frank Hill, VP Jon Frederick, and President Dave Casteel installed 20 January 2018 by Chapter President, Evelyn Brady, at Annual CRMF meetingIvadell Crosby and Sherry Marr at Annual MeetingBob McNeal, Lee Golden, Dave Casteel at Annual chapter meetingPeggy Pastor & Linda Gibson at Annual meetingDave Casteel presents Barbara DeCoito-Weaver, Vancouver Fisher House manager, with a $300.00 VISA gift card on behalf of the MOAA Columbia River Chapter and Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF). These gift cards enable Fisher House staff to purchase emergency items (like food and after-hours transport to/from the VA hospital) needed to support guests. The Chapter and CRMF previously donated $1,000.00 in gift cards earlier this year. Since the Vancouver Fisher House opened in March 2016, the MOAA Columbia River Chapter and Columbia River MOAA Foundation (CRMF) has donated over $5,100.00 to the local Fisher House.SGM Kelly Jones, USA, Ret,, Clark College Veterans Resource Center Manager, (L) receives thank you memento from chapter President Evelyn Brady at November lunchMOAA members enjoy chatting before lunch at chapter’s November event that featured guest speaker SGM Kelly Jones, USA, Ret, Clark College Veterans Resource ManagerJoel Scot presenting ESGR support certificate to Columbia River Chapter VP Jeremy Baenen at October business lunch held at Club Green MeadowsL-R: Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee Town Hall Meeting at Armed Forces Reserve Center. Dave Casteel, MOAA VLC Rep,, Mary Forbes, WDVA Asst Director, Evelyn Brady CRC Chapter PresidentCostco Heroes Night 2017: (L-R) President Evelyn Brady, Jim Brady, Jeremy Baenen, Marilyn Casteel, Ron & Peggy Pastor. Not in photo: Terry & Virginia Babin, Frank Hill & Dave CasteelOur chapter purchased and delivered patio umbrellas, bases and grill covers in time for Memorial Day 2017.President Evelyn Brady presents Dan Herrigstad with MOAA coaster at April 20, 2017 lunch.
Dan Herrigstad, Chief of Public & Congressional Affairs at Portland VA (VAPORHCS) talks about VA issues and improvements at April 20, 2017 lunchMarch chapter lunch. L-R: Jon Frederick, Guest Speaker, Micki Stauffer, WSU Master Gardener, Chapter President Evelyn Brady, Frank Hill.President Brady poses with Pat Jollota, mother of CW5 “Blackhawk Down” pilot Dan Jollota after February chapter lunch event. Brady showed the video of Dan’s interview of the incident after which Pat talked about the incident from a mother’s perspective.Chapter President Evelyn Brady discusses issues with BG Bob McFarlin prior to the start of the Annual Business meeting held on January 21, 2017 at Club Green Meadows. General McFarlin conducted the audit of the CRMF.Rod Heidelberg takes the oath of office for chapter Secretary from MG Buck Marr at the Annual Business meeting. Ron Pastor was re-elected to the office of Treasurer, but was out of town.First VP Jeremy Baenen, introduces new member Chris Lehman. Jeremy also introduced a new transfer, Eleanor “Ellie” Shea.2016 Christmas Scholarship Social:
Scholarship Chair, Paul Crosby, introducing Clark and WSU-V College scholarship recipients at annual Christmas social
President Brady presents Col Sitler with MOAA coaster after Nov 17 lunch presentation
Col Adam Sitler, 142 FW/CV talks about wing’s Special Ops capabilitiesPresident Brady opens November lunch with comments about LOE 5 Star Awards streamer and introduction of guest speakerChapter President, Evelyn Brady, staffing MOAA information booth at 2016 Veterans Day Ceremony at the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Vancouver, WA. Also helping at the booth were Jim Brady, Ron Pastor, Frank Hill, and Dave Casteel.Lt Gen Dana Atkins, MOAA President and CEO, congratulating Evelyn Brady on receipt of Five Star Level of Excellence Award. Photo courtesy of Maj Gen Buck MarrPresident Evelyn Brady receiving Five Star Level of Excellence Award from Gen Robertson, MOAA Chairman of the Board. Photo courtesy of Maj Gen Buck MarrColumbia River Chapter President, Evelyn Brady (right), with other 2015 Five Star award winners from Olympia and Kitsap chapters. The awards were presented in Arlington, VA on October 24, 2016.This year’s streamer is unique as it is the first year MOAA starts adding year plates rather than issuing a whole new streamer.Clark County Auditor, Greg Kimsey, addresses chapter members at October 20 business lunch.Greg Kimsey discussing issue with Jim Brady (L) and John Hill (center)September 2016 Barbecue (L-R) Kay DeRoos, Marilyn Casteel, Terry Whisenant, and President Evelyn BradySeptember 2016 Barbecue. Past President Rodney Williams (L) and 1VP Jeremy Baenen undoubtedly discussing footballCostco Heroes Night 2016. L-R: President Evelyn Brady, Yvette Brown-Wahler, Jim Brady, and Jeremy BaenenChapter President, Evelyn Brady, presents a $6,000 check to Clark College President, Bob Knight to add to our chapter endowment at Clark College, May 18, 2016 at the Savoring Excellence Dinner.Chapters members enjoy a warm afternoon at Bethany Vineyards socializing.Memorial Day 2016 at Ft Vancouver Barracks. L-R. Dan Sockle, Rodney Williams, Dave Casteel, Evelyn and Jim Brady, John DonnellyPresident Evelyn Brady & Speaker Joseph Cavalli. Joe presented an extremely interesting perspective of the Vietnam Era at our May dinner.New 2016 chapters officers. L-R: President elect Evelyn Brady, 1VP Jeremy Baenen, 2VP Yvette Brown-WahlerMaj Gen “Buck” Marr, Chairman MOAA Board of Directors Government Relations “Committee, installs new chapter officers February 20, 20162015 Scholarship Christmas Social. L-R Pat Williams, Liz Cross, Terry Whisenant, Marge VanNus, Gert Ionata2015 Veterans Day. Ch Jim Erixson, MG Karen LeDoux, USAR, EMCee Larry Smith (CRC) and JD Litton (CRC)2015 Veterans Day. Ron Pastor & Jim Brady2015 MOAA Veterans Day booth. Terry Babin & Dave Casteel
MG Les Burger, USA, Ret (L) at Veterans Day Parade ceremony
“Santa” Rich Wersinger recites “Twas the Night Before Christmas” at chapter Christmas Scholarship Social
Christmas Scholarship Social at 40et8 (L-R) Charlene Dahlen, John Donnelly, Liz Cross, Marilyn CasteelWDVA (Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs) “Alfie” Alvarado addresses chapter at October 2014 chapter lunchChapter President Dave Casteel presenting Alfie Alvarado with MOAA coaster mementoChapter President Dave Casteel Chapter Legislative Affairs Chair meets with 3rd US Dist Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler September 2014 to discuss FY15 Def Auth Act and issues in the Act affedting our service membersMemorial Day Ceremony May 26, 2014. L to R: Marilyn Casteel, Beth Brown, Frank Hill. Chapter provided 30 gallons of FREE Starbucks coffee. Far right: Rod Williams. (John Donnelly, and Dave Casteel, not in photo also worked booth).May Dinner L-R Marilyn Casteel, Ron PastorMay 15 Dinner L-R: City Councilor Larry Smith (Chapter member), Diane McWithey, Ex Dir SHAREMay 15 Dinner L-R: Marie Wolfe (Aux Chair), Liz Cross, Dave CasteelMay 15 Dinner L-R: George Dashney, Bob McNeal, Bob Cross, Paul CrosbyMay 15 Dinner L-R: Peggy & Ron PastorMay 15 Dinner L-R: Chaplin Rev Max Metcalf, Jim & Evelyn BradyMay 15 Dinner L-R: SallySue Boley, Marlene & Al LaurieMay 15 Dinner L-R: Roy Korkalo, Dr. Bonnie LundMay 15 Dinner L-R: Dave & Dee Dee CacchioneMay 15 Dinner L-R: Betsy & Marlin BrinkleyMay 15 Dinner L-R: Chaplain Rev Max Metcalf, Jim BradyMay 15 Dinner L-R: Beth Brown, Evelyn Brady, Rod WilliamsMay 15 Dinner L-R: Marge Van Nus and daughter, Geri StuartMay 15 Dinner L-R: Robert Stuart, Jerry McWithey, Dir Flt Ops Insitu (guest speaker)Washington State MOAA Council of Chapters (WSCOC) President, COL Dave “Slots” Slotwinski, addresses Columbia River Chapter (CRC) in Vancouver on Feb 20, 2014 at CRC Annual Business Meeting(L-R) Betsy (mother of Andrea), Andrea Rand, MOAA national Scholarship Fund Development Director, CRC President Dave Casteel, and 1VP and CRC Scholarship Chair discuss scholarships before the annual CRC business meeting Feb. 20, 2014. (Photo courtesy of CRC Chaplain, COL Max Metcalf)WSCOC President, “Slots” Installs CRC Chapter President, Dave Casteel, and Secretary, SallySue Boley at annual business meeting Feb 20, 2014. Each officer’s term is two years.MOAA Washington State Council of Chapters (WSCOC) President, “Slots” presents CRC President, Dave Casteel, with 2013 Level of Excellence bannerPaul Crosby, Columbia River Chapter (CRC) 1VP, presents chapter 2013 Programs and scholarship reports on Feb 20, 2014 at CRC Annual Business MeetingEvelyn Brady, Columbia River Chapter (CRC) 2VP, presents chapter 2013 recruiting and member services report on Feb 20, 2014 at CRC Annual Business MeetingRon Pastor, Columbia River Chapter (CRC) Treasurer, presents chapter 2013 financial statement on Feb 20, 2014 at CRC Annual Business Meeting(L-R) MOAA Chairman of the Board, General John Tilelli, Jr. USA, Ret, Marilyn Casteel, and Columbia River Chapter President Dave Casteel displaying Level of Excellence banner presented by Gen Tilelli. The award presentation was at the Antlers Hotel in Colorado Springs, November 16, 2013.
40th Anniversary Chapter Dinner May 2013 at the Heathman Lodge (L-R: VADM and Mrs. Ryan, Evelyn Brady (2nd VP and Membership Chair), Jim Brady). Photo by John Sentesy.
POW-MIA Day November 2013. (L-R: Jim Brady, Beth Brown, Evelyn Brady, Rod Williams, Dave Casteel). Photo by Dan SockleChapter President Dave Casteel (R), Presenting VADM Ryan (L) 40th Anniversary Dinner Chapter Memento May 2013