Why Support the CRMF

Why Support The CRMF

The CRMF manages two charitable funds—our Scholarship and Support the Troops Funds:

 Scholarship Fund

As a former member of the military or spouse of a military member, you are among less than 1% of the population who served their country in the Armed Forces. Your knowledge about military life—being in harm’s way, separations, long hours, total commitment and hardships–is something most other Americans have never experienced.

Being the spouse or child of a member of the Armed Forces is also unique and can mean frequent moves that make educational or job opportunities more difficult than civilians might enjoy.

Our chapter scholarships are awarded ONLY to students who have a military connection. Many of them are in the Guard or Reserves or have recently separated from active duty. Many of them are working at a job, going to school and raising a family. They want an education to make a better life for themselves and their families. Some are children or grandchildren of veterans. These scholarships keep the military memories and connection alive. All the recipients are proud of their service connection and thankful for your support.

The cost of tuition and books never decreases and is always increasing. The Columbia River Chapter and the CRMF would very much like to increase the amount we award in scholarships each year as well as number of scholarships we offer. YOU can help make this happen by your generous donation to our Scholarship Fund. In 2017 we are able to increase the WSU-Vancouver College annual scholarship from $1,000 to $1,500.


Support The Troops Fund

Many who serve or have served in the Armed Forces leave the military with a disability. If they receive specialized treatment at a VA Regional Hospital far from their home the family often does not join them due to the high cost of transportation and lodging costs. We can help these families by donating to the Support the Troops Fund which supports the Fisher House in Vancouver. Thanks to generous donors nationally, families stay free in a beautiful hotel-like facility. Our chapter has purchased items for our local Fisher House that most people take for granted. For example, we purchased high quality signs for all the interior doors of the building. We also purchased alarm clocks, luggage racks and hair dryers for all the guest rooms. We are currently in a conversation with the Fisher House manager offering to donate $1,000 to $2,000 toward other necessary items.

In the past, the chapter donated funds towards the ADA upgrade on a single mother’s house in Vancouver for her paraplegic son who was returning from Walter Reed Medical Center in a wheelchair. He was injured in the line of duty in Iraq.

Both funds are worthy of your consideration and both help those who serve or have served to protect our nation and their families.

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